To purchase a Wall of Honor Memorial Tile, visit here.
Tile Order form available here.


Serving the members and retirees of the Maryland State Police for over 60 years.

We Served With Honor, Dignity, Pride and Integrity.

MSPAA Logo Image


The Maryland State Police Alumni Association, Inc. (MSPAA) was formed in 1960. The purpose was to form a body of former and current members of the Maryland State Police in a bond of good fellowship, to promote a closer professional and social union among them and to assist and promote the Maryland State Police.


If you are a retired, active, former or civilian employee of the MD State Police, and are interested in learning more about our association, check out the information on the “Membership” page.
Allied police agency personnel active or retired are welcome and may apply as an Associate member.

Stay Informed

“The Alumni News” is a popular quarterly newsletter of the Alumni Association that is mailed to all its members around the State and country.
We also have an email distribution service to keep our members and associates aware of events and interests involving our organization.


The Alumni Association normally meets several times a year at luncheons held around the State of Maryland. Some social events take place between meetings. Spouses are always welcome.

MSPAA President's Message

Sarah "Jeannie" Mastronardi

Welcome to the Maryland State Police Alumni Association. This organization was formed by several former and retired troopers in 1960. Our goal is to keep all members informed of current information, legislation, and updates on the membership, sworn and civilian. In the early nineties, the members conducted a major fund raiser to honor our MSP Fallen Heroes. The MSP Quadrangle was designed and erected on the ground of our Pikesville Headquarters. Today, we continue to aid in the beautification of the memorial with the Facilities Management Division to upkeep the bedding and surroundings. Our Tom Ingram Walk of Honor continues to be a living tribute to a great man that loved his state and his fellow troopers. Members can purchase an engraved brick that paves a pathway to our law enforcement memorial. Other projects include the formation of a Maryland State Police K9 Cemetery, located at the Easton Barrack. This is a beautiful dedicated area where our K-9 heroes have a proper resting place.

The Alumni Association has rendered success with a renovated historical building on the MSP headquarters grounds. The old military arsenal is the location of our MSP Museum. We continue to work toward improvements and additions to our museum. Recently, the Alumni completed over twenty -five feet of wall space in the museum. This project includes graphic and mural displays that visually “tell the story” of our 1920’s and 1930’s progress of the department. This complex, detailed design and historical data was produced by members of the Maryland State Police and generous volunteers of this organization. The artistic and complex product was a result of the efforts of Mr. Butch Gardner and Brooke Rios of Gardner Sign of Salisbury, Md.

We appreciate your opinions, time, talents, and monetary support to the museum and other projects that benefit our legacy and history within the department.  One of our first projects for the museum was the formation of our Honorary Wall. This tile project offers a place of remembrance, tribute, legacy, and honor. Your name engraved on the wall is the first impression as you enter the Museum. Thank you to all that contributed to the Wall. All proceeds directly go to improvements and additions to the museum. The second Honorary Wall is currently available for your name or the name of one of your MSP heroes, civilian or sworn. Applications are available on this website.

Our organization works effectively with our lobbyist in ensuring our sworn and retired members are properly represented in the session. For 2023, our representative is Jack Howard. He will be working with our lobbyist to ensure our current police officer rights are protected and continue to support efforts to maintain affordable healthcare benefits for our retirees. We want to stay on top of issues that affect our people .

As we gather in fellowship, our retirees gather on a monthly basis at various restaurants across the state. These folks discuss old times and new. Many times they are joined by local barrack commanders and staff. We thank you for your dedication in attending these gatherings and keeping our folks updated on activities and listening to their concerns.

Our organization hosts several events across the state that includes a salute to our MSPAA Trooper of the Year and MSPAA Civilian of the Year. We host a delicious Crab Feast with all the fixings on the Eastern Shore. In the Fall, we gather in Ocean City to honor our Fallen Heroes and those MSP members that have passed away during the year. In December, we host a Holiday Party and celebrate the arrival of Santa Claus. This is a wonderful gathering of current and retirees with their children and grandchildren.

Most important about any organization is the membership that the group represents. We appreciate each of you. We want you to know that your opinion, concerns, and ideas are welcomed. Thank you for your comments and suggestions as we move forward with activities and projects. May God Bless You and Your Family and God Bless our Peacemakers.

F/Sgt Jeannie Mastronardi Image
F/Sgt Jeannie Mastronardi

Last modified: 20240409-1450

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