MSPAA Membership qualifications:
The Alumni Association is primarily made up of retired and former Maryland State Troopers. Retirees and former members of the Department who have served Three (3) years or more are classed as regular members. These are the only voting members. See below for the various classes of membership.
There are four classes of membership in the Maryland State Police Alumni Association. They are:
Regular Members
Those who have served a minimum of Three (3) years as a sworn, uniformed member of the Maryland State Police.
Sworn Members
Those who presently serve as a uniformed member of the Maryland State Police. Sworn members of the Maryland State Police may become regular members when they retire.
Associate Members
This status can be conferred on active or retired civilian members of the MSP and retired or active members of allied law enforcement agencies.
Life Members
Those whose deceased spouses were members in good standing at their time of passing. Also, members who were bestowed life membership by merit or service.
MSPAA Board and Committee Information:
There are five elected regular members, known as the Board of Governors, who serve the Association for a two year term.
There are six standing committees and eight special committees that assist in the operation of the association.
More information.
The Maryland State Police Alumni Association, Inc. (MSPAA) was formed in 1960. The purpose was to form a body of former and current members of the Maryland State Police in a bond of good fellowship, to promote a closer professional and social union among them and to assist and promote the Maryland State Police.
The Alumni Association normally meets several times a year at luncheons held around the State of Maryland. Some social events take place between meetings. Spouses are always invited.
Members receive “The Alumni News,” which is a popular quarterly newsletter of the Alumni Association that is mailed to all its members around the State and country.
We are offering a gratis one-year membership into the MSPAA to each recent retiree, sworn or civilian. We want to welcome these folks into our events and hope they will bring some of their energy and enthusiasm to the organization. Make a note on the application, “First year free,” and do not send a check.
All others please send a check made out to MSPAA, Inc.
– Dues should be sent to: Bob Smith 2910 Sunset Lane York, PA 17408-9561