Head-to-Head Competition 2024
presented by The Maryland State Police Museum
WHO: Civilian/Sworn, Active/RE Active/Retired, VIP/Intern
WHAT: A bathroom remodeling competition
WHEN: Month of March
WHERE: The MSP Museum
WHY: Because it’s needed
Calling all interested persons: Come join the MSP Museum as we design, decorate and beautify an important part of our museum.
Let’s make a game of it! Two teams, led by a team captain, will use materials, supplies, artifacts, photographs and images to compete against each other to see who can design the most attractive bathroom worthy of our beautiful museum.
If you are interested and you have a Maryland.gov account please click here by February 29, 2024.
If you do not have a Maryland.gov account please email your interest to msp.ssb@maryland.gov and You will be contacted in late February with further details. Hope to see you in the competition!