Independence Day is significant with the passage of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 by our founders. This period represents freedom, independence, and appreciation of our country, the United States of America. There are celebrations across the country from parades, picnics, fireworks, and volunteer activities to commemorate this special time.

The phrase “Land of the free, and Home of the Brave” are so important. If not for our soldiers that fought for our freedom, we would not have the opportunity to be free. That stands for today as well. Our women and men that have served and currently serve are to be appreciated and thanked for their service.
Locally, our law enforcement partners protect and serve our highways and communities. Their selfless sacrifice defending our safety at all hours of the day and night is to be commended also.
God Bless our Heroes that service locally and abroad.
Thank you to all that serve. Enjoy your 4th of July.
Jeannie Mastronardi
President, Maryland State Police Alumni Association